12 mai 2023


SUMMER SCHOOL "EU: Migration and Citizenship"
June 12-15, 2023, ASEM, room 104B

This summer school was addressed to all those who want to know more about the European Union, migration and the policies promoted by the EU in the field of Migration and asylum, the concept of European citizenship, ways to obtain it, etc.

To register, participants had to complete this form -https://forms.gle/pju9qYGLo3H3eiXL9

The program of the summer school can be seen here

Throughout the course, the coordinator of the EUMIGRA project, assoc. prof. Mihai Hachi, and other two members of the project team: assoc. prof. Dorin Vaculovschi and assoc. prof. Marina POPA, addressed several subjects. Among the topics discussed were:

  • European Union . Community policies: common problems and solutions.
  • The multidimensional, multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach to international and European migration.
  • Migration and Development: The Social, Economic and Human Impact of Migration on EU economy: actuality and perspectives;
  • The main programs and projects carried out by the European Union in the Republic of Moldova in the process of implementing the DCFTA. Guest speaker, Aurica Botnari, Project Manager, EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Migration and development: Remittances in the Republic of Moldova: structure, origins, destination.
  • Legislation and policies to regulate migration: the international and European experience.
  • Migration and development: management of the migration process in the Republic of Moldova and migration policy.
  • National and European citizenship and identity

As a result of participating in this school, the participants developed:

- Knowledge skills: approaching migration from a quantitative, qualitative, structural, evolutionary, optimistic and pessimistic perspective, determining factors, forms, etc.;

- Information management skills: use and interpretation of data on the evolution of migration indicators, remittances, social, demographic, economic and political effects of migration;

- Research and analytical skills: analysis of the problems faced by the Republic of Moldova, EU member states in terms of migration, etc.

The participants showed interest, curiosity and enthusiasm for the topics proposed for analysis and discussion. We were happy to see in the room youth interested in European values, migration and processes related to these notions, especially high school students and students, but also teachers from different faculties within ASEM. This proves that the topics addressed during the Summer School are of real interest and relevance.

At the end, all participants received participation diplomas!

More details about the event can be found on the summer school’s Facebook page

Photos from the school can be seen here